About us
The company was started in 1994 by three exANS (Air Navigation Services) research engineers. The first contract was Secondary Surveillance Radar Displays, followed soon by first version of complete Operational ATC System CATT. Soon after that ARTISYS entered the international market. Since then we have successfully delivered tens of ATC operational systems and simulators around the world.
ARTISYS supplies a family of both operational and training ATC/ATM systems, based on nearly three decades of aviation experience in air traffic and airport operations.
We don't just sell product but we rather deliver to our clients solutions. ARTISYS provides engineering services related to the entire life of the designed system
- specification
- implementation
- installation
- training
- service & maintenance
- system upgrades and extensions
- according to the user's needs and recent technical development
We are certified
ARTISYS is ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 and TÜV certified.